JoomLMS ELearning Blog

protect from cheating lms
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 12 Jan 2012
hits Hits: 3786

“- Hi! I have just purchased a subscription for the “…” course? Remember I told you about it? I will send you the username and password by email and we will study at the same time, you won’t need to pay, isn’t that great??? (Max)

- Hi! Yes, that’s just great, please send it to me! I would also like to invite two more friends to study with us, could I send the access details to them? (Nelly)

- Sure, you can invite whoever you like, we will all study together!” (Max)

JoomlaLMS End User Interface
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 24 Nov 2011
hits Hits: 5168

JoomLMS is a multifunctional platform for distant learning organization. Very often it happens so that the complete set of its options isn’t called for when the system is used.

Add Credibility to your Courses With jReviews-JoomlaLMS Integration
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 12 Oct 2011
hits Hits: 3740

A lot has been written about using JoomLMS system in education and professional training. Still nothing has been said upon the courses quality estimation. And there is a direct connection between the quality of the taken course and the information being provided correctly and up-to-date. The way the course completion tracking system is configured is also very important as well as correct quiz tasks and questions.

user-friendly lms
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 22 Aug 2011
hits Hits: 5431

JoomLMS Team announces the integration with 2 more new Joomla! components that allows to make your e-Learning environment more user-friendly and customizable. Learners on the go can now can create customizable dashboards and enjoy flash books with reader-friendly controls looking as similar to the printed ones as possible.

Corporate Training lms
author Ilona Hetsevich
date 07 Jul 2011
hits Hits: 5583

The core of any competition is that its participants always aspire to outdo and excel others in one field or another. When talking about competition people usually associate it with sports or athletic activities of any kind. We decided to broader the concept of competition with corporate training and use JoomLMS learning system as a competitive platform. Thus, competition turns into an effective form of motivating employees.