author Ilona Hetsevich
author 31 Jan 2013
author Hits: 3361
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We believe that for the successful use of our company’s software qualitative technical support is required. Developed software technical support is the basis of enlarging the client base and reputation improvement of any software developing and selling company. If you have qualitative software it contributes to 50% of company success. If this software has qualitative and timely support it contributes to 100% of success.

We believe that for the successful use of our company’s software qualitative technical support is required. Developed software technical support is the basis of enlarging the client base and reputation improvement of any software developing and selling company. If you have qualitative software it contributes to 50% of company success. If this software has qualitative and timely support it contributes to 100% of success.

At the moment our technical support carries out the following tasks:

  • - Consulting users on our software installation and configuration issues via phone/chat and email/helpdesk.
  • - Timely software client-side functionality issues solution.
  • - Software updates and development roadmap compilation.
  • - Consulting on software functionality issues.


In this case the following occurs. One specialist is usually able to work with one customer at a time. He answers the questions, helps the customer to get the idea of new software etc. After the first customer another one comes and asks the same questions. The support manager has to explain the same things over and over again to every new customer. This situation is illustrated in image 1. The customer contacts support service and they help with solving the issue.


Image 1. Standard support

To improve the quality of technical support we decided to conduct weekly online seminars (webinars). On these webinars it will be possible to ask any questions, discuss new features and more. Also all webinars will be recorded and records available for the viewing online. Everyone who hasn't managed to attend a ‘live’ webinar can watch a recording at any convenient time.

There are 2 types of webinars: online seminars and online conferences. The former suited our purpose better as it presupposes a higher level of interaction between the host (support manager) and the participants. Webinars will take place once a week, primarily there will be three topics: Principles, Advanced options, Tools. The necessary equipment for webinar includes: earphones with a microphone and a computer with ADSL or + Internet connection.

So what do we wish to achieve by organizing webinars?


Image 2. Support with webinar

You are welcome to register for our webinars here.